
Top DIY Projects of 2020 and Exciting Plans for 2021: Our Favorites

2020. What a fucking year.

Like many, this was a pretty momentous year for our family. Some of the highlights include:

  • Had our first child
  • Sold our first house
  • Bought a new house
  • Moved states
  • Lost jobs
  • Got new jobs
  • Cried a lot
  • Laughed more (often at the shitshow that was 2020)
  • Launched this quirky blog

But outside of that, it was also the year we tackled some of our favorite DIY projects since we picked up this fun hobby a couple of years ago.

If you don’t already, sign up for our newsletter where we highlight some of our favorite projects we’re working on.

Some of our major projects in 2020 included:

We also have BIG plans for 2021.

The primary focus for 2021 is giving our backyard a major facelift since we’re Florida bitches now and plan to spendĀ a lotĀ of time outside. Our plans include a fire pit, a pergola, outdoor dining area, maybe some sod if we’re feeling wild, a privacy fence, and if we have enough time, maybe a dog house and play area for baby girl.

Here’s where we’re starting, meh with a capital M:

Here are some of our outdoor inspo photos. The first is from Sunset and the second is from Sprucing up Mamahood.

Inside we’ll hopefully finish painting our last two bedrooms, add some crown moulding and plank over the gross popcorn ceilings throughout the house.Here are some of the things we want to tackle in 2021 (and of course will share our plans and process along the way).

Two of the most popular posts we wrote this year were about how to make a DIY yard Yahtzee set and these cute DIY scalloped bookshelves so we’re planning to do more fun, quick, inexpensive projects like that this year.

Here are a few we DEFINITELY want to do:

DIY faux fireplace

We’re pulling inspiration from a lot of different places for our living room, but one thing that will make a big difference is our plans to build a faux fireplace. Here’s one design we’re going off of.

Wooden six-pack holder

Alex started on this last year, but eventually scrapped the plans to work on something else (we’re project jumpers, it’s not a great trait). A major reason we made the tough choice to leave Louisiana to move back to Florida was how much we missed the beach, and everyone knows how great a beer on the beach is, so this will surely come in handy.

There are lots of beer holder designs, but we’re going with a simple look that will be good for either bottles or cans.

DIY stenciled patio

Are you sensing an outdoor theme here? Using the same stencil we used on our pantry floors,Ā we’ll give the concrete in our outdoor area a little love. We think it’ll really modernize the space and make it an actual place to hang out and have a marg rather than the place our project overflow usually ends up in a pile.

DIY outdoor fire pit

Okay, an outdoor fire pit may sound a lot more complex than the other ones on this list, but the owner of our house left HUNDREDS of bricks stacked up along the side of the house.

We’ve already relegated about half to building the perimeter of an outdoor patio, but we should have plenty leftover to build a sizable fire pit.

Here’s an inspo pic from Jenna Sue Design:

DIY clothesline

One of the perks of living in Florida is we have plenty of sunshine to enjoy year round. And with that comes a free dryer from God.

We’ve wanted to build a DIY clothesline for about three years but it keeps getting bumped back for other things. But this time we actually intend on building it this year.

Outdoor games

Ok are you really maximizing summer if you DON’T have a cornhole board? There are plenty of tutorials on Pinterest or YouTube, but we’ll make sure to knock this one out before summer rolls around so stay tuned. We’ve also got ideas for a big Tic Tac Toe board, too.

Those are just a few of the fun things we have planned for 2021, which hopefully won’t be as much of a dumpster fire as 2020.

We’ve had a lot of fun DIYing our home(s) in the last year, and having you all follow along and cheer us on has been a major motivator in that so thank you!

If you enjoyed reading our updates and want to keep following along, make sure to sign up to our newsletter where we share all of our favorite DIY updates.

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One Comment

  1. I can’t wait to watch the outdoor area in your instagram stories and hear you say pergola like an American. It cracks me up, Love – Your Australian followers

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